Assoc. Prof. Mariusz Kwiatkowski PhD

tel.: +48 789.44.20.16

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Who am I?

Researcher and social activist working for people and groups in crisis (helplessness, homelessness, migration, discrimination). I am looking for effective solutions using tools in the field of social economy, revitalization and social services. Recently, I had the opportunity to gain valuable experience as a visiting researcher in Ireland (Dublin City University) and in the Netherlands (Barka NL).

What is important to me?

I am committed to values ​​such as solidarity, trust and transparency. I enjoy collaborating across disciplines, social bubbles, institutions, sectors and countries. I value people who are empathetic, with open minds and socially involved. So I am glad that I am a coordinator in the large international project "Social Education on the Move" (2020-2023) and in the International Association of Social Capital, where I meet such people.

What are my achievements?

I have written a few books and a lot of articles. I'm not proud of all of them because my interests and views evolve. For example, a book called "Opacity" frustrates me because the filling rules I write about are becoming increasingly opaque and unfair. However, I am pleased with those publications that have become the basis for positive social changes.

Where am I going?

  • I would like to use the models I have learned in Finland with my colleagues from the Steps Home project to develop and implement housing support programs for people in a homeless crisis.
  • I also hope that as part of the "Power for Citizens" project, we will be able to develop a network of innovative institutions such as social service centres.
  • I am very keen to popularize the empowerment model in activities for refugees from Ukraine in the "U-Empower" project.
  • I have great hopes for the "Need for Change" project, which we are developing with colleagues from several countries, with the Horizon program in mind.
  • The most important R&D dream, however, is an attempt to reconstruct and construct a strategy for overcoming the stigma. I feel provoked to do so by Imogen Tyler, who with her book “Stigma. The Machinery of Inequality”(2020) touched me deeply and encouraged me to research and search for my own. I hope to develop a discussion and cooperation with my colleagues on this topic.

I invite you to cooperation

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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18