Deputy director
tel.(+48) 789442020
Justyna Nyćkowiak is a sociologist and political scientist. She searches for answers to questions about the reasons for human behaviour and choices in the data. It works well in sentences where social life is to be told with the help of numbers and pictures. She found a way to connect these two worlds by addressing gamification and the social dimensions of esports activity.
A sociologist and political scientist by education; a doctorate in the field of humanities in the field of sociology. She obtained her doctoral degree in 2012 based on the dissertation "Careers on the Polish political scene. Sociological analysis of the biographies of parliamentarians after 1989".
Since October 2022, head of the Social Analytics and Esports Department at the Institute of Sociology, University of Zielona Góra.
Member of the Polish Sociological Society and the Lubuskie Scientific Society.
Research interests: electoral behavior, political careers, educational and professional careers, social inequalities.
Important publications:
Nyćkowiak, J., Kołodziej, T., Jasny, M., Siuda, P. (2023). Toward Successful Esports Team: How Does National Diversity Affect Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Video Games. In: Proceedings of the 56th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January 3-6, 2023- HICSS (#), Honolulu, USA, Honolulu: University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2023, pp. 3902--3911, ISBN: 9780998133164. (140 points)
Kołodziej, T., Nićkowiak, J. (2021). Switching Political Affiliation: Electoral-List Mobility in Poland, 2005-2015. Polish Sociological Review, Vol. 213, 1, 47—70. (75 pts.) doi: (75 pts.)
Nyćkowiak J., Kołodziej T., (2021), Misunderstanding institutional rules: Electoral-list mobility in Poland, 2005-2015, [in:] Designing and Implementing Public Policy of Contemporary Polish Society. Selected Problems, (eds.) Dorota Szaban, Inetta Nowosad, Piotr Pochyły, V&R unipress, pp. 209-227. (75 pts.)
Nyćkowiak, J. (2020). Professional politicians in the period of systemic transformation. Warsaw: Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa (#), p. 166. ISBN: 9788380173323, bibliogr. (120 points)
Nyćkowiak, J. (2014). Construction and Use of a Relational Database to Analyze the Careers of Professional Politicians in Poland, 1985-2007. Ask. Research & Methods, Vol. 23, 115--134, ISSN: 1234-9224.
Nyćkowiak, J. (2013). Neo-institutional perspective in the analysis of political careers. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis Folia Sociologica, 46, 75--87. ISSN: 0208-600X, eISSN: 2353-4850
Since June 2023, he has been the Deputy Director of the Institute of Sociology