Krzysztof Lisowski, PhD

tel.: (+48) 789.44.20.16


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A graduate of the Higher School of Pedagogy in Zielona Góra, he obtained his Ph.D. in sociology in 2002 at the University of Wrocław based on his dissertation Axiological orientations of youth in a border city in the years 1993–1997.

His research interests focus on three areas. The first research area is related to the borderland and phenomena such as: cultural diffusion, axiological orientations of youth. The second concerns the processes of integration of residents of local communities (merging local governments). The third research area is related to issues of social research methodology.

Twice, in the years 2005-2008 and 2009-2011, he managed ministerial grants concerning the processes of cultural diffusion and social mobility on the western borderland. He is the implementer of many research projects serving social practice, including: "City - Zielona Góra commune, together or separately?"; "Dynamics of attitudes of residents of the Gubin and Brody communes towards the planned energy investment"; "Strategy for solving social problems of the Żagań district in the years 2011-2018".

In the years 2005-2008 he was the deputy director of the Institute of Sociology of the University of Zielona Góra. For his scientific and research activity he received an individual award from the Rector of the University of Zielona Góra (2nd degree) in 2005 and a team award in 2015.

For many years he has been a field coordinator of nationwide research centers (Centre for Implementation of Sociological Research IFiS PAN, TNS Polska, PBS) for which he coordinated projects including: European Social Survey, POLPAN, Eurobarometer, Exit Poll and many others.
He is a member of the Polish Sociological Association, in the years 2012-2014 he was the chairman of the Zielona Góra Branch of the PTS.

He is the author of many publications including: Axiological orientations of the youth of the border city, Zielona Góra 2004; Open borders – closed minds. Lubusz youth on theit relations with Germans (co-authored by D. Szaban) in: Microcosm of European Integration: The German-Polish Border Regions in Transformation, E. Opiłowska, J. Roose (eds.) – Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlasgesellschaft,- (German and European Studies of the Willy Brandt Center at the Wroclaw University 2015; Persuasive survey – characteristics of the research approach, (co-authored by D. Szaban), Przegląd Socjologiczny 2013, volume LXII/1; Problems of contemporary empirical research in Poland, Rocznik Lubuski: The second decade of freedom. Sociological consequences and puzzles of transformation, 2010, Volume 36, part 2; Economic conditions of life of Lubusz residents, in: Lubusz residents in the first decade of the 21st century. A sociological portrait, (ed.) Ż. Leszkowicz-Baczyńska, D. Szaban – Zielona Góra 2012.

Outside work a lover of film and photography, as well as sports (he ran 6 marathons and one mountain ultra marathon)

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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18