tel.: (+48) 789.44.20.16
Specialist in the field of political sociology. Research interests: problems of transformation of political systems, political culture, electoral behavior, civic participation. In 2000 he received the Stanisław Ossowski Award granted by the Polish Sociological Association. Winner of the Rector's Awards of the WSP (1996, 2000) and the UZ (2014) for scientific achievements.
He is a member of the Polish Sociological Association, the Lubuskie Scientific Association and the editorial board of the journal Colloquia Communia. Since 2014 he has lectured at the Higher School of Democracy in Grudziądz.
Major publications: Between Mystification and Unconsciousness On the Concept of False Consciousness, Wydawnictwo Poznańskie 1999; Polish Exceptionalism. What Explains The Low Turnout In Polish Post-Communist Elections?, The Polish Review, 2007, Vol. LII, no. 1; Dysfunctions of the discourse around political apathy in Poland, Studia Socjologiczne 2013, no. 1., Passivity of citizens. Political apathy in the theory of democratic participation, Wydawnictwo Elipsa, 2013.
Activity in free time: collecting: militaria, coins, analog records with jazz music.
Life motto: "Every man has some advantages. You just have to point them out to it" (E.M. Remarque)