Magdalena Pokrzyńska, PhD

tel.: (+48) 789442285


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Magdalena Pokrzyńska – is an ethnologist and sociologist. Her scientific interests are associated with the issues of borderland, identity, social memory, heritage and traditionalism, and broadly understood folk culture. She is the author of over 60 scientific and popular science publications. Magdalena loves nature and traditional agriculture she runs an apiary, she is passionate about early music and Central European folklore and handcraft.

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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18