tel.: (+48) 789.44.20.16
A sociologist by education. She obtained her doctoral degree in 2009 at the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, based on the dissertation Subjective and objective image of Lubuskie poverty. Social welfare recipients towards their own life situation.
Her scientific and research interests focus on the issues of social microstructures, family sociology and social policy (recently, especially the issue of having many children and the socio-demographic effects of the "Family 500 plus" program) and the sociology of social problems, in particular poverty and social exclusion. Combining her scientific passions with practice, she has been cooperating with local governments for years, supporting them, among others, in their work on strategies for solving social problems.
Major publications:
Two faces of poverty. Subjective and objective aspects of the life situation of the poor, Zielona Góra 2012;
Mothers-Sybiraczki – fate and memory. Polish women exiled to the depths of the USSR, (co-author: M. Pokrzyńska, D. Bazuń), Zielona Góra 2012;
Poverty as a social problem. Terminological issues and empirical findings, "Kultura i Społeczeństwo", no. 1 2012;
Work in the lives of women with many children living in poverty in the context of reforms in Poland's family policy - continuation or change?, Przegląd Socjologiczny, LXVII, no. 3 2018;
In the orbit of "500+". The functioning of poor families with many children in the conditions of changing family policy in Poland, "Kultura i Społeczeństwo", no. 4 2019.
Winner of the 2nd prize in the 12th edition of the competition organized by IPiSS under the patronage of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy - for her doctoral dissertation (Warsaw, December 2010) and awards of the Rector of the University of Zielona Góra. For her book Matki Sybiraczki… she was awarded the Honorary Badge of Sybirak (Zielona Góra, 2012) and nominated for the Lubuski Wawrzyn Naukowy (Zielona Góra, February 2013).
Since October 1, 2022, head of the newly established Microstructural Research Workshop at the Institute of Sociology, UZ.
In private – wife and mother of two growing children. She likes to “be on the road”, always with a camera and a good book in her backpack or suitcase. Invariably in love with the Polish Tatra Mountains, recently – shyly delving into the secrets of art history.