tel.: (+48) 789.44.20.16
Doctor of Humanities in the field of sociology, graduate of sociology at the Jagiellonian University. Since 1995, a research and teaching employee at the Institute of Sociology. In the years 2004-2016 she served as the director of the Institute of Sociology. Author of over 100 scientific publications. Editor and co-editor of the series of works "Transborderliness in sociological perspective", member of many Scientific Councils in Polish and foreign journals (including "Youth in Central and West Europe. Sociological Studies"), reviewer on the NCN list. She is one of the creators of the Lubuski Social Survey. She belongs to the initiative group of the founders of the Lubuski Centre for Social Research, and is a member of its Scientific Council. She has been and is an organizer of many conferences (including international ones), a member of the Program Boards of the National Sociological Congresses (2010-Krakow, 2013-Szczecin, 2016 Gdańsk), a member of the Organizing Committee of the XII OZS, Chairwoman of the Organizing Committee of the XIII OZS. In the years 2006-2010 she was a member of the Main Board of the PTS, and in 2008 she served as the Vice-Chairwoman of the Society. Since 2011 a member of the Main Board of the Committee for Migration Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Since 2016 she has served as the Scientific Secretary of the Committee for Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She is a member of the Lubuskie Sociological Society - since 2016 she has served as the Vice-Chairwoman. She is a member of the Ethical Committee of the National Council for Transplantology. She is a member of the Council for the Development of the Lubuskie Province. She has received the Rector's Award many times for her scientific and organizational activities. In 2010, she was awarded the Medal of the National Education Commission, and in 2014 she received the Honorary Badge of Merit for the Lubuskie Voivodeship.
In the years 2008-2016 she served as director of the Institute of Sociology at the University of Zielona Góra
Main research areas include: (1) Sociology of youth, generationalism in sociological research (determinants of the professional careers of university graduates, students in the light of sociological research, generational identity of youth, changes in the consciousness of school youth living on the Polish-German border, youth subcultures); (2) Borderlands and migrations (cross-borderism in a sociological perspective, processes of cultural diffusion and social mobility on the western border after Poland's accession to the EU, migrations of young Poles) and (3) Methodology of sociology (quantitative methods in sociology).
Selected publications: Ariergarda realnego socjalizmu. Społeczne biografie grzegowód przez powstanego, Wyd. UZ 2006; Social Position and the Dynamics of Attitudes Toward the Events of 1980-1981, In: International Journal of Sociology, 2002, Vol. 32 no 3; Biological Research in the Context of Social Studies and the Functioning of Social Competences in Polish and German Youth, Zielona Góra: Wydawnictwo WSP, 1997, 1999; Borderland and the Center. Selected Problems of Comparative Analyses in Survey Research, Przegląd Socjologiczny .- 2007, V. 56/1; Between Authoritarianism and Democracy. Generational Dimension of Socio-Political Transformation in Poland, In: Forum Sociologiczne .- 2011, no. 1, Stratification Position of the Individual and Subjective Assessment of Social Situation. A contribution to the analysis of the degree of agreement of measurement scales (co-author T. Kołodziej), Przegląd Socjologiczny, 2014, volume LXIII; Is this the end of academic sociology in Poland? From elitism to marginality (co-author: M. Chałubiński), In: Higher education, university, academic education in the face of necessary change: Expertise of the Committee of Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences / scientific ed. M. S. Szczepański, K. Szafraniec, A. Śliz. - Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences, 2015.
Life motto: "Wisdom does not trust itself, stupidity grants itself credit without limits" (T. Kotarbiński)
Hobby: a great animal lover, her passion is observing their behavior, she is an amateur ethologist (currently two dogs and three cats live in her house). If she had not become a sociologist, she would be a veterinarian and animal behaviorist. In her free time she likes to tend to the garden.